
© Science goes to school /Anja Glenk

Education Society

April 30, 2024

Bringing Science to Life: The DIPP School Project

Sharing their passion for science, a group of volunteer PhD students and postdocs in Dresden are inspiring school students, one classroom at a time.

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© Jürgen Männel

Education Science Awards

April 29, 2024

CMCB Graduate Receives the Dresden Excellence Award

The Dresden Excellence Award Honours Marie Hoyer's Innovative Research on Zebrafish Spinal Cord Regeneration

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© TUD/Magdalena Gonciarz

Science Awards Associates and Affiliates

April 27, 2024

The Alberti group receives Momentum funding from the Volkswagen Foundation

The Alberti group, an affiliate of PoL, is at the forefront of condensate research, and has now secured funding from the Volkswagen Foundation to investigate oncofusion proteins.

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© TU Dresden

Education Events

April 24, 2024

Successful kick-off event for mentoring program for female scientists and students

An event for networking between female scientists from the Dresden research community was a huge success

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© MPI-CBG/Katrin Boes

Science Awards Associates and Affiliates

April 19, 2024

Prestigious funding awarded to Carl Modes to understand the regeneration of jellyfish

A HFSP Program Grant has been awarded to Carl Modes and international collaborators.

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© Michael Riedl

Science Awards Brugués Group

April 15, 2024

Michael Riedl is awarded the Human Frontier Science Program Fellowship

A prestigious Human Frontier Science Program fellowship was awarded to Michael Riedl, a postdoctoral researcher of the Brugués lab.

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© Neha Pincha Shroff & Pengfei Xu

Science Publications Campàs Group

April 3, 2024

Pressured to become the organizer

A collaboration between the Campàs group at PoL, the University of California, and Cedars-Sinai Guerin Children’s in Los Angeles, has identified how organizers orchestrate the formation of teeth.

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© Katrin Boes / MPI-CBG

Science Awards Associates and Affiliates

March 21, 2024

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship for Jinghui Liu

A postdoctoral researcher at the MPI-CBG and PoL has received a prestigious fellowship to study electrical environmental changes in damaged tissues.

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© Devarajan et al.

Science Publications Associates and Affiliates

March 14, 2024

Charging Up: Identifying the Sequence-determinants of Condensate Material Properties

The Nikoubashman affiliate group at PoL and the IPF has published novel findings in Nature Communications, highlighting a link between charge patterning of intrinsically disordered proteins, and the corresponding material properties of condensates.

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© PoL / Friedrich Group

Science Publications Friedrich Group

March 6, 2024

Branching Out: Understanding the Intricate Patterns of Diatom Silica Formation

By studying silica morphogenesis in diatoms, the Friedrich and Kröger groups at PoL have proposed a mathematical model to explain the formation of branching rib patterns.

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© Humboldt-Stiftung

Ebisuya Group

February 29, 2024

At work with our Humboldt Professor Miki Ebisuya

Humboldt Professor and Chair of Cell and Tissue Control Miki Ebisuya was interviewed by TU Dresden as part of their “At work with …” series.

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© DIGS-BB / Hagen Gebauer

Education Events

February 12, 2024

The DIGS-BB selection week welcomes new minds to Dresden!

75 students from around the world visited Dresden for the DIGS-BB bi-annual and IMPRS-CellDevoSys annual PhD selection, which took place from the 5th to 9th of February.

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© PoL / Guerra Santillán et al

Science Publications Fischer-Friedrich Group

February 7, 2024

What regulates basal tension in epithelia? The answer is in the basement!

Novel findings published in PRX Life from the Fischer-Friedrich and Dahmann groups have uncovered a mechanism of basal tension regulation in epithelia.

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© CMCB / Magdalena Gonciarz (image generated with DALL.E3)

Science Publications Jahnel Group Brugués Group

February 6, 2024

Making Ends Meet: Researcher find that a protein superglue is crucial for DNA damage repair

A landmark study published in Cell, led by PoL member Alberti and including PoL group leaders Jahnel and Brugués, has revealed that PARP1 proteins form a kind of molecular superglue to hold broken DNA ends together.

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©PoL / Kolley et al.

Science Publications Friedrich Group

February 1, 2024

Assembling the pieces for building muscles

Researchers from the Friedrich Group published a model for building the muscle structure in PRX Life.

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© PoL / Hagen Gebauer


January 22, 2024

The Saxony Minister of Science Visits PoL

Sebastian Gemkow is introduced to the world of PoL research.

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Science Awards Associates and Affiliates

January 15, 2024

2024 SPIE Dennis Gabor Award in Diffractive Optics for Jürgen Czarske

The PoL member Jürgen Czarske is awarded for significant contributions to the development of digital holography, and related techniques for biomedicine, fiber communication, imaging, information processing, and laser metrology.

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Education Events

December 5, 2023

PoL opens up the EUtopia week

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© Katrin Boes / MPI-CBG


November 30, 2023

A day to bring Machine Learning to Biology data analysis

Symposium brings Dresden and Leipzig researchers together

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Education Science Research Groups Events

November 24, 2023

The PoL Day 2023

A day to bring and celebrate the PoL community!

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Education Fischer-Friedrich Group

November 9, 2023

Inaugural Lecture by Prof. Elisabeth Fischer-Friedrich

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© PoL / Vian et al.

Science Publications RA1 RA4 RA6 Campàs Group

November 3, 2023

Under Pressure: Seeing the Squeeze in Living Organisms

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©TUD/Franziska Kestel.

Education Adams Group

November 1, 2023

Dr. Ellen Adams as Mentor for Young Female Students

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October 23, 2023

Research Group in PoL Aims to Reveal the Energy Map for Life

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