
© PoL / Sophie Klempahn and colleagues

Publications Schießel Group

July 13, 2024

Breaking the Code: Unveiling the Secrets of Chromatin Remodelers

Sophie Klempahn, a PhD student with the Schießel group at PoL, has introduced a pioneering model to explore how chromatin remodelers reposition nucleosomes.

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© Friedrich group / PoL

Publications Friedrich Group

July 5, 2024

Chemotaxis in Bits: Comparison of Fundamental Gradient-sensing Strategies as a Function of Noise

New research from the Friedrich group at PoL explains why cells of different sizes use different navigation strategies.

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© Thorsten Eckert

Outreach Campàs Group

July 3, 2024

The Sächsische Newspaper Interviews PoL Director Otger Campàs

Read the translated interview of PoL Director Otger Campàs with the Saxon newspaper Sä

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© TUD/Magdalena Gonciarz

Education Outreach Science

June 19, 2024

PoL at the Long Night of Science: Igniting Passion for Research in Dresden

Over 50 volunteers from PoL took part in the 21st Long Night of Science on Friday the 14th June, with huge turnout from the public.

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© Katrin Boes/MPI-CBG

Awards Associates and Affiliates

June 4, 2024

MPI-CBG Director Meritxell Huch appointed as Honorary Professor at TU Dresden

The Medical Faculty of the TU Dresden appoints honorary professorship for MPI-CBG and PoL PI for stem cell research and tissue regeneration.

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© PoL


June 3, 2024

Together for Democracy: Dresden’s Research Community Takes a Stand

Over 2,500 participants marched in the streets of Dresden during the TOGETHER FOR DEMOCRACY protest.

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© Midjourney AI Image, Katrin Boes, MPI-CBG

Publications Associates and Affiliates

May 27, 2024

Tails for Proteins: How Environmental Factors Can Affect Protein Production

The research group of PoL affiliate Agnes Toth-Petroczy has published novel findings in Nature Communications exploring how temperature and nutrient depletion affect cell transcription and translation.

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Science Awards Associates and Affiliates

May 21, 2024

Prof. Frank Buchholz is Awarded a DFG Grant for Pioneering Gene Editing Research

The Buchholz group has secured a €1.25 million grant from the DFG to advance therapeutic gene editing through innovative epigenetic silencing research.

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© Sylke Scholz

Awards Associates and Affiliates

May 20, 2024

Postdoc in the Czarske Group Receives Award from the Gisela and Erwin Sick Foundation

Jiawei Sun, a postdoctoral researcher in the group of PoL associate Jürgen Czarske at TU Dresden has been awarded a bursary from the Gisela and Erwin Sick Foundation.

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© PoL / Kaori Nakashima

Education Outreach Events

May 14, 2024

Visit the Interactive Physics of Life Exhibition!

The work of PoL scientists will be highlighted at the SHOWCASES OF RESEARCH exhibition at Technische Sammlungen Dresden until October 27th this year – don’t miss out!

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© IntCha24

Education Science Events

May 13, 2024

Meeting at the Crossroads: The IntCha24 Workshop

Exploring the frontiers of interdisciplinary research, IntCha24 brought early career researchers together to discuss open questions in physical and biological systems.

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© Girls’ Day

Education Outreach

May 5, 2024

PoL Welcomes the Next Generation of Scientists for Girls' Day

The annual Girls’ Day event took place in April, and PoL was visited by a cohort of high school students for hands-on experience and presentations by leading researchers.

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