Banner with pictures of individual scientists
Students sitting on a table outside, chatting and having a drink
Scientific poster session, shot from above with long exposure
Students in front of a blackboard, one of them writing on it

Cluster of Excellence
Physics of Life

The Dynamic Organization of Living Matter

Our purpose

Discover new paradigms for understanding life and deepen our knowledge of living biological matter

We aim to elucidate the laws of physics that underlie the dynamic spatiotemporal organization of life into molecules, cells and tissues. Our focus is to bring fundamental physics to biology for the purpose of understanding and solving biological questions.

Our research is enabled by merging theory and experiment and driven by a sparkling collaborative atmosphere in Dresden between University and non-University research laboratories.

June 3, 2024

Together for Democracy: Dresden’s Research Community Takes a Stand

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July 13, 2024

Breaking the Code: Unveiling the Secrets of Chromatin Remodelers

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July 5, 2024

Chemotaxis in Bits: Comparison of Fundamental Gradient-sensing Strategies as a Function of Noise

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July 3, 2024

The Sächsische Newspaper Interviews PoL Director Otger Campàs

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June 19, 2024

PoL at the Long Night of Science: Igniting Passion for Research in Dresden

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// Technische Sammlungen Dresden


Life Science Campus Summer Conference
Let’s bring science to life!