Research Avenue 4

Fluxes, Fluctuations and the Emergence of Form

RA4 will reveal physical principles of organization that underlie the living state of matter. This research avenue will stimulate and aid RA1-3 by integrating the discoveries of RA1-3 in a more general context. We will bring concepts of non-equilibrium statistical physics and of nonlinear dynamics to the study of living matter. How are energy and matter fluxes patterned in space and time during morphogenesis? How can we integrate metabolic processes in a general theory of active matter? How can structures robustly arise in the presence of fluctuations and perturbations? How can cells reliably make decisions in light of fluctuations, perturbations and uncertainty? How does the genome encode shape and form in space and time? Which mechanisms allow for variations of shapes? Research in RA4 will bring understanding of how energy and matter fluxes are patterned in space and time, how biological structures robustly arise in active matter in the presence of fluctuations and perturbations, and how the variability of shapes is encoded in the genome.

Research Avenue Leader

Research Avenue 4

Frank Jülicher

MPI-PKS | Director of MPI-PKS, Professor for Biophysics

Dynamic processes in cells and tissues

›› visit the website of Frank Jülicher


Core Groups

Research Avenue 1RA3RA4RA5RA6

Elias Barriga Group

Biophysical Mechanisms of Morphogenesis

Research Group Leader

›› visit the website of Elias Barriga Group

Research Avenue 3RA2RA4RA5RA6

Jan Brugués Group

Spatiotemporal Organization of Subcellular Structures

Chair of Spatiotemporal Organization of Subcellular Structures

›› visit the website of Jan Brugués Group


Research Avenue 1RA3RA4RA5RA6

Otger Campàs Group

Physics of Embryonic Self-Organization and Morphogenesis

Chair of Tissue Dynamics

›› visit the website of Otger Campàs Group


Research Avenue 1RA4RA5

Natalie Dye Group

Biophysics of Epithelial Growth and Tumorigenesis

Research Group Leader

›› visit the website of Natalie Dye Group

Research Avenue 3RA1RA4RA6

Elisabeth Fischer-Friedrich Group

Mechanics of Active Biomaterials

Heisenberg Professor for Mechanics of Active Biomaterials

›› visit the website of Elisabeth Fischer-Friedrich Group


Research Avenue 4RA1RA2RA3

Benjamin Friedrich Group

Biological Algorithms: Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Cells and Tissues

Heisenberg Professor for Biological Algorithms

›› visit the website of Benjamin Friedrich Group

© cfaed, Katharina Knaut

Research Avenue 4

Helmut Schießel Group

Theoretical Physics of Living Matter

Chair of Theoretical Physics of Living Matter

›› visit the website of Helmut Schießel Group

Research Avenue 5RA1RA3RA4RA6

Xingbo Yang Group

Bioenergetics of Self-Organization

Research Group Leader

›› visit the website of Xingbo Yang Group

Associates and Affiliates

Research Avenue 4RA1

Ricard Alert Group

MPI-PKS, CSBD | Research Group Leader

The Physics of Living Matter

›› visit the website of Ricard Alert Group


Research Avenue 1RA4RA5RA6

Michael Brand Group

TUD CRTD | Professor for Developmental Genetics

Development and Regeneration of the Vertebrate Brain

›› visit the website of Michael Brand Group

Research Avenue 3RA1RA2RA4

Stephan W. Grill Group

MPI-CBG | Director of MPI-CBG, Professor for Physics of Life

Physics of Life

›› visit the website of Stephan W. Grill Group


Research Avenue 1RA4

Meritxell Huch Group

MPI-CBG | Director of MPI-CBG, Lise Meitner Max Planck Research Group Leader

Organoids, tissue regeneration and its deregulation in disease

›› visit the website of Meritxell Huch Group


Research Avenue 4

Frank Jülicher Group

MPI-PKS | Director of MPI-PKS, Professor for Biophysics

Dynamic processes in cells and tissues

›› visit the website of Frank Jülicher Group


Research Avenue 4RA2RA3

Nils Kröger Group

TUD B CUBE | Professor for Biomimetic Materials

From Molecular Mechanisms of Biomineralization and Bioadhesion to Applications in Nanobiotechnology

›› visit the website of Nils Kröger Group

© TUD CMCB, Magdalena Gonciarz

Research Avenue 4RA3

Christina Kurzthaler Group

MPI-PKS, CSBD | Research Group Leader

Transport and Flows in Complex Environments

›› visit the website of Christina Kurzthaler Group


Research Avenue 4RA1RA5RA6

Carl Modes Group

MPI-CBG | Research Group Leader

Network Complexity and Systems Biophysics

›› visit the website of Carl Modes Group


Research Avenue 5RA4

Eugene W. Myers Group

CSBD | Professor for Computational Molecular Biology

Exploring Cells & Systems via Image Analysis and Customized Microscopy

›› visit the website of Eugene W. Myers Group


Research Avenue 2RA4RA5RA6

Arash Nikoubashman Group

IPF, TUD Faculty of Physics | Heisenberg Professor for Theory of Biologically Inspired Polymers

Theory of Bio-inspired polymers

›› visit the website of Arash Nikoubashman Group

Research Avenue 1RA3RA4RA5RA6

Marko Popović Group

MPI-PKS, CSBD | Research Group Leader

Order and disorder in driven systems

›› visit the website of Marko Popović Group


Research Avenue 4RA1

Jonathan Rodenfels Group

MPI-CBG | Research Group Leader

Energetics of Biological Systems

›› visit the website of Jonathan Rodenfels Group


Research Avenue 5RA1RA4RA6

Ivo F. Sbalzarini Group

TUD, CSBD | Professor for Scientific Computing for Systems Biology

The MOSAIC Group: Scientific Computing for Image-based Systems Biology

›› visit the website of Ivo F. Sbalzarini Group


Research Avenue 2RA3RA4RA6

Dora Tang Group

MPI-CBG | Research Group Leader

Dynamic protocellular systems

›› visit the website of Dora Tang Group


Research Avenue 4RA2RA5

Marc Timme Group

TUD | Professor for Network Dynamics

Network Dynamics

›› visit the website of Marc Timme Group

Research Avenue 6RA1RA4RA5

Jesse Veenvliet Group

MPI-CBG | Research Group Leader


›› visit the website of Jesse Veenvliet Group


Research Avenue 5RA1RA2RA3RA4

Axel Voigt Group

TUD | Professor for Scientific Computing and Applied Mathematics

Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Cells and Systems

›› visit the website of Axel Voigt Group


Research Avenue 2RA4RA5RA6

Christoph Zechner Group

MPI-CBG | Research Group Leader

Adaptive Biosystems

›› visit the website of Christoph Zechner Group