Equity and Diversity

As a DFG-funded institute, the Physics of Life Cluster of Excellence supports the DFG Equal Opportunities and Diversity mission:

Excellent science needs diversity and originality. In order to ensure that all relevant sections of society are addressed in the long term, science and the humanities have to appropriately represent all these areas as well. This happens not just through the structure of the subjects in science and humanities but also through the individuals who research and teach in these subject areas. The DFG believes that no one should be disadvantaged in their career on the basis of academically irrelevant factors such as gender, origin, age or state of health

DFG Equal Opportunities and Diversity

We encourage you to submit your questions or comments related to equal opportunity to the PoL Equal Opportunity Commissioner.

Equal Opportunity Committee

What does the PoL EO Committee do?

Active measures supporting diversity, equity and inclusion offered by TUD, POL, and/or POL affiliated groups include proactive recruitment policy, flexible working hours, daycare opportunities for children, flexible childcare service, dual-career service, parent-child room (with breastfeeding and changing facilities), support for international researchers, advice on diversity equity and inclusion issues including confidential topics, and mentoring programs.

PoL members also have access to confidential consulting via the POL EO Commissioner (equalopportunity.pol@tu-dresden.de) and TUD Diversity and Inclusion, Equal Opportunity, and Gender Equality offices. This can include consulting or educational materials related to equality in higher education law (personnel selection and appointment procedures), career development in the higher education and science sector, compatibility of family and work, accommodations for individuals with disabilities, re-entry after the family phase, women in science, issues pertaining to racial discrimination, and advice on direct and indirect discrimination on the grounds of sex (including harassment and sexual harassment, stalking, homophobia).