Core Facilities
Our core facilities provide a shared research infrastructure with state-of-the-art equipment and expert support – from scientists to scientists.

Bio-Image Analysis
We offer bio-image analysis consulting, targeted mini-sabbatical programs, advanced plugin and library development for sustainable coding, and personalized rent-a-scientist support services.
© Robert Haase

PoL Microscopy
Open access to bookable high-end optical microscopes including photo-manipulation, AFM, and optical tweezers. We offer project consultation, hands-on training, and workflow optimization.

Microfluidics Core
The Microfluidics Core provides equipment for 3D printing and soft-lithography (PDMS Chip fabrication). The facility is also equipped with three programmable syringe pumps for the flow rates control and inverted microscope with a high-speed camera for monitoring microfluidic chip performance.

Stem Cell Core
The Stem Cell Core provides an optimal environment for culturing and genetically modifying stem cells.