Our Aims: We seek to understand living matter as a self-organizing and active form of soft condensed matter
The key objective of the Cluster of Excellence Physics of Life is to identify principles that govern the dynamic spatiotemporal organization of life at the scales of molecules, cells and tissues, by utilizing innovative experimental approaches, theoretical predictions and computer simulation. We aim to provide an understanding of how biological processes emerge from the laws of physics, to deepen our understanding of living biological matter.
We value an interactive, collaborative scientific approach that goes beyond the boundaries of scientific disciplines. Our commitment is to create an environment that thrives on open communication and diversity.

Vision and Research Avenues
Overview of the Pol research strategy and the 6 research avenues
© Campàs Lab, Rana Amini
PoL Research Groups
A list of all PoL PIs including the professors and group leaders hired by PoL between 2019 and 2023
Associates and Affiliates
Dresden PIs from various partner institutes, affiliated to or associated with PoL

PoL Core Facilities
Overview of the PoL research infrastructure

PoL Publications
A searchable list of PoL publications since January 2019