News & Events

June 3, 2024

Together for Democracy: Dresden’s Research Community Takes a Stand

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July 13, 2024

Breaking the Code: Unveiling the Secrets of Chromatin Remodelers

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July 5, 2024

Chemotaxis in Bits: Comparison of Fundamental Gradient-sensing Strategies as a Function of Noise

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July 3, 2024

The Sächsische Newspaper Interviews PoL Director Otger Campàs

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June 19, 2024

PoL at the Long Night of Science: Igniting Passion for Research in Dresden

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// Technische Sammlungen Dresden

// B CUBE | Room E73/E74

PoL PhD and Postdoc Seminar
Today’s speakers: Yanín Guerra and Jaime Espina


Life Science Campus Summer Conference
Let’s bring science to life!