Polina Explains Biophysics: Introducing PoL's New Comic Series!

Explore the fascinating world of biophysics with our new comic series, offering bite-sized insights into cutting-edge PoL research every Wednesday!

A comic strip depicts a young girl, with ginger hair, asking an orange and yellow octopus to make her twice as tall. The octopus waves her magic wand, and the girl disappears in a pink cloud of gas, with a 'poof'! The girl then appears taller but her legs have gotten much bigger than the rest of her body. A man in the next picture explains that the girl's legs would be too small to carry her weight if they remained the same proportions as before. The last picture is the girl demanding to be changed back to normal!
Episode 1 of the PoL comic series discusses the relationship between mass and surface area. Illustrations by John Chad.
© PoL

We are excited to announce the upcoming release of our new comic series, which will run for 10 weeks, starting on Wednesday the 18th September. Each comic will highlight a key scientific concept currently being investigated by researchers at the Cluster of Excellence Physics of Life (PoL), offering readers a glimpse into the world of biophysics and you can read all of them in the highlights section of our webite.

The series is illustrated by renowned comic artist Jon Chad and will be available first in the co-official languages of PoL, English and German. Additional translations will be provided in other languages used at our institute in the near future!

The aim of the comics is to disseminate research to a broader audience, including schools, by presenting scientific ideas in a fun and accessible way. Be sure to check back every Wednesday for a new release and stay tuned for translations in more languages!



To see more comics and illustrations by artist John Chad, check out his official website.