Francis Stewart
TUD BIOTEC | Professor for Genomics
Epigenetic regulation and genomic engineering
TUD BIOTEC | Professor for Genomics
Epigenetic regulation and genomic engineering
TUD BIOTEC | Professor for Cellular Biochemistry
Organization of cytoplasm across space and time
Research Group Leader
Biophysical Mechanisms of Morphogenesis
hired by PoL
TUD CRTD | Professor for Developmental Genetics
Development and Regeneration of the Vertebrate Brain
Chair of Spatiotemporal Organization of Subcellular Structures
Spatiotemporal Organization of Subcellular Structures
hired by PoL
Chair of Tissue Dynamics
Physics of Embryonic Self-Organization and Morphogenesis
hired by PoL
TUD | Professor for Multimedia Technology
Immersive Exploration of Multiscale Biological Data
TUD | Professor for Systems Biology and Genetics
Signals and mechanics in epithelial morphogenesis
TUD B CUBE | Professor for BioNano Tools
Molecular transport in cell biology and nanotechnology
© TUD CMCB, Magdalena Gonciarz
Research Group Leader
Mechanobiology of Stem Cells
hired by PoL
Humboldt Professor and Chair of Cell and Tissue Control
Cross-Species Comparison and Manipulation of the Organoid Zoo
hired by PoL
Heisenberg Professor for Mechanics of Active Biomaterials
Mechanics of Active Biomaterials
hired by PoL
TUD BIOTEC | Professor for Biophysics
Membrane Organization of Cells and Tissues
TUD, CSBD | Professor for Scientific Computing for Systems Biology
The MOSAIC Group: Scientific Computing for Image-based Systems Biology
TUD B CUBE | Professor for Molecular Biophysics
Conformational changes in biomolecules and enzymes
© TUD CMCB, Magdalena Gonciarz
TUD BIOTEC | Professor for Genomics
Epigenetic regulation and genomic engineering
MPI-CBG | Research Group Leader
Dynamic protocellular systems
IPF | Professor for Biofunctional Polymer Materials
Biofunctional polymer materials
Research Group Leader
Bioenergetics of Self-Organization
hired by PoL
MPI-CBG | Director of MPI-CBG, Professor for Cell Biology
Principles of cell and tissue organization: from endocytosis to a systems understanding of liver structure and function
UCC, TUD Medical Faculty | Professor for Medical Systems Biology
Functional genomics in mammalian cells: applications to cancer biology and stem cell biology
TUD PLID, TUD Medical Faculty, HMGU | Professor for Membrane Biochemistry and Lipid Research
Membrane Biochemistry of Cell Signaling
TUD | Professor for Measurement and Sensor Systems
Biomedical Computational Laser Systems (BIOLAS): Adaptive Smart Microscopy
© Center BIOLAS, TUD
MPI-CBG, CSBD | Research Group Leader
The fetal-maternal interface across species
TUD | Professor for Computer Graphics and Visualization
Computer Graphics and Visualization
MPI-CBG | Research Group Leader
Network Complexity and Systems Biophysics
IPF, TUD Faculty of Physics | Heisenberg Professor for Theory of Biologically Inspired Polymers
Theory of Bio-inspired polymers
TUD BIOTEC, NCT, CSBD | Research Group Leader
Biomedical Genomics
MPI-PKS, CSBD | Research Group Leader
Order and disorder in driven systems
MPI-CBG | Research Group Leader
MPI-CBG | Research Group Leader
Adaptive Biosystems
TUD B CUBE | Professor for Biomolecular Interaction
Drug design and screening: from biochemical methods to 3D model system