PoL – Physics of Life | Vision and Research Avenues

Research Avenue 6

Engineering Control

RA6 will develop complementary means to engineer and modulate living systems at the scales of molecules, cells and tissues, to exert exquisitely accurate and flexible control that will empower the investigation of biophysical mechanism. How can we remote-control force generation and self-organization? How can we develop systems where cytosolic phase transitions can be externally controlled? How can we design and control patterns of self-organization in cytoskeletal systems? How can we integrate our understanding of tissue-scale self-organization, and engineer morphogenesis? Research in RA6 will provide technical and conceptual advances for RA1-3 that enable accurate interrogation of the physical principles that underlie the dynamic spatiotemporal organization of living matter.

Research Avenue Leader

Francis Stewart

TUD BIOTEC | Professor for Genomics

Epigenetic regulation and genomic engineering

›› open the website of Francis Stewart in a new tab

PoL Groups

Simon Alberti

TUD BIOTEC | Professor for Cellular Biochemistry

Organization of cytoplasm across space and time

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Elias Barriga

Research Group Leader

Biophysical Mechanisms of Morphogenesis

hired by PoL

›› visit the website of Elias Barriga Group

Michael Brand

TUD CRTD | Professor for Developmental Genetics

Development and Regeneration of the Vertebrate Brain

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Jan Brugués

Chair of Spatiotemporal Organization of Subcellular Structures

Spatiotemporal Organization of Subcellular Structures

hired by PoL

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Otger Campàs

Chair of Tissue Dynamics

Physics of Embryonic Self-Organization and Morphogenesis

hired by PoL

›› visit the website of Otger Campàs Group

Raimund Dachselt

TUD | Professor for Multimedia Technology

Immersive Exploration of Multiscale Biological Data

›› open the website of Raimund Dachselt Group in a new tab

Christian Dahmann

TUD | Professor for Systems Biology and Genetics

Signals and mechanics in epithelial morphogenesis

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Stefan Diez

TUD B CUBE | Professor for BioNano Tools

Molecular transport in cell biology and nanotechnology

›› open the website of Stefan Diez Group in a new tab

© TUD CMCB, Magdalena Gonciarz

Adele Doyle

Research Group Leader

Mechanobiology of Stem Cells

hired by PoL

›› visit the website of Adele Doyle Group

Miki Ebisuya

Humboldt Professor and Chair of Cell and Tissue Control

Cross-Species Comparison and Manipulation of the Organoid Zoo

hired by PoL

›› visit the website of Miki Ebisuya Group

Elisabeth Fischer-Friedrich

Heisenberg Professor for Mechanics of Active Biomaterials

Mechanics of Active Biomaterials

hired by PoL

›› visit the website of Elisabeth Fischer-Friedrich Group

Alf O. Honigmann

TUD BIOTEC | Professor for Biophysics

Membrane Organization of Cells and Tissues

›› open the website of Alf O. Honigmann Group in a new tab

Ivo F. Sbalzarini

TUD, CSBD | Professor for Scientific Computing for Systems Biology

The MOSAIC Group: Scientific Computing for Image-based Systems Biology

›› open the website of Ivo F. Sbalzarini Group in a new tab


Michael Schlierf

TUD B CUBE | Professor for Molecular Biophysics

Conformational changes in biomolecules and enzymes

›› open the website of Michael Schlierf Group in a new tab

© TUD CMCB, Magdalena Gonciarz

Francis Stewart

TUD BIOTEC | Professor for Genomics

Epigenetic regulation and genomic engineering

›› open the website of Francis Stewart Group in a new tab

Dora Tang

MPI-CBG | Research Group Leader

Dynamic protocellular systems

›› open the website of Dora Tang Group in a new tab


Carsten Werner

IPF | Professor for Biofunctional Polymer Materials

Biofunctional polymer materials

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Xingbo Yang

Research Group Leader

Bioenergetics of Self-Organization

hired by PoL

›› visit the website of Xingbo Yang Group

Marino Zerial

MPI-CBG | Director of MPI-CBG, Professor for Cell Biology

Principles of cell and tissue organization: from endocytosis to a systems understanding of liver structure and function

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Associates and Affiliates

Frank Buchholz

UCC, TUD Medical Faculty | Professor for Medical Systems Biology

Functional genomics in mammalian cells: applications to cancer biology and stem cell biology

›› open the website of Frank Buchholz Group in a new tab


Ünal Coskun

TUD PLID, TUD Medical Faculty, HMGU | Professor for Membrane Biochemistry and Lipid Research

Membrane Biochemistry of Cell Signaling

›› open the website of Ünal Coskun Group in a new tab

Jürgen Czarske

TUD | Professor for Measurement and Sensor Systems

Biomedical Computational Laser Systems (BIOLAS): Adaptive Smart Microscopy

›› open the website of Jürgen Czarske Group in a new tab

© Center BIOLAS, TUD

Claudia Gerri

MPI-CBG, CSBD | Research Group Leader

The fetal-maternal interface across species

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Stefan Gumhold

TUD | Professor for Computer Graphics and Visualization

Computer Graphics and Visualization

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Carl Modes

MPI-CBG | Research Group Leader

Network Complexity and Systems Biophysics

›› open the website of Carl Modes Group in a new tab


Arash Nikoubashman

IPF, TUD Faculty of Physics | Heisenberg Professor for Theory of Biologically Inspired Polymers

Theory of Bio-inspired polymers

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Anna Poetsch

TUD BIOTEC, NCT, CSBD | Research Group Leader

Biomedical Genomics

›› open the website of Anna Poetsch Group in a new tab

Marko Popović

MPI-PKS, CSBD | Research Group Leader

Order and disorder in driven systems

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Jesse Veenvliet

MPI-CBG | Research Group Leader


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Christoph Zechner

MPI-CBG | Research Group Leader

Adaptive Biosystems

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Yixin Zhang

TUD B CUBE | Professor for Biomolecular Interaction

Drug design and screening: from biochemical methods to 3D model system

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