Research Avenue 3

Active Molecular Systems

RA3 objective is to elucidate collective spatiotemporal behaviors of active molecular systems, and to reveal the principles by which active molecular assemblies give rise to dynamic intracellular processes. We aim to obtain a general understanding of the principles by which collectives of active molecules generate intracellular dynamics. How are small molecular changes amplified to cause large-scale events? How does bidirectional transport on cytoskeletal filaments arise from collective molecular processes? What are the collective dynamic behaviors of active intracellular systems that use polymer collapse for force generaion? How do molecular components organize mesoscale cytoskeletal structures like the mitotic spindle and the actomyosin cortex? How does the response of active molecular systems to external forces emerge from the dynamics of their molecular components? How do the dynamics of active molecular systems relate to their supramolecular structure? By combining in vivo and in vitro high-resolution imaging and force manipulation techniques with statistical physics approaches we will close the gap between molecular properties and dynamic mesoscale behaviors in biological processes.

Research Avenue Leader

Research Avenue 3RA2RA5RA6

Stefan Diez

TUD B CUBE | Professor for BioNano Tools

Molecular transport in cell biology and nanotechnology

›› visit the website of Stefan Diez

© TUD CMCB, Magdalena Gonciarz

Core Groups

Research Avenue 1RA3RA4RA5RA6

Elias Barriga Group

Biophysical Mechanisms of Morphogenesis

Research Group Leader

›› visit the website of Elias Barriga Group

Research Avenue 3RA2RA4RA5RA6

Jan Brugués Group

Spatiotemporal Organization of Subcellular Structures

Chair of Spatiotemporal Organization of Subcellular Structures

›› visit the website of Jan Brugués Group


Research Avenue 1RA3RA4RA5RA6

Otger Campàs Group

Physics of Embryonic Self-Organization and Morphogenesis

Chair of Tissue Dynamics

›› visit the website of Otger Campàs Group


Research Avenue 3RA1RA4RA6

Elisabeth Fischer-Friedrich Group

Mechanics of Active Biomaterials

Heisenberg Professor for Mechanics of Active Biomaterials

›› visit the website of Elisabeth Fischer-Friedrich Group


Research Avenue 4RA1RA2RA3

Benjamin Friedrich Group

Biological Algorithms: Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Cells and Tissues

Heisenberg Professor for Biological Algorithms

›› visit the website of Benjamin Friedrich Group

© cfaed, Katharina Knaut

Research Avenue 3RA2

Marcus Jahnel Group

Dynamics of Biomolecules

Research Group Leader

›› visit the website of Marcus Jahnel Group

© Mark Leaver

Research Avenue 5RA1RA3RA4RA6

Xingbo Yang Group

Bioenergetics of Self-Organization

Research Group Leader

›› visit the website of Xingbo Yang Group

Associates and Affiliates

Research Avenue 2RA3RA6

Simon Alberti Group

TUD BIOTEC | Professor for Cellular Biochemistry

Organization of cytoplasm across space and time

›› visit the website of Simon Alberti Group


Research Avenue 3RA6

Ünal Coskun Group

TUD PLID, TUD Medical Faculty, HMGU | Professor for Membrane Biochemistry and Lipid Research

Membrane Biochemistry of Cell Signaling

›› visit the website of Ünal Coskun Group

Research Avenue 1RA3RA6

Christian Dahmann Group

TUD | Professor for Systems Biology and Genetics

Signals and mechanics in epithelial morphogenesis

›› visit the website of Christian Dahmann Group

Research Avenue 3RA2RA5RA6

Stefan Diez Group

TUD B CUBE | Professor for BioNano Tools

Molecular transport in cell biology and nanotechnology

›› visit the website of Stefan Diez Group

© TUD CMCB, Magdalena Gonciarz

Research Avenue 2RA3

Karim Fahmy Group

HZDR | Head of the Biophysics Division

Structural basis of biological switches and biomolecular recognition

›› visit the website of Karim Fahmy Group

Research Avenue 3RA1RA2RA4

Stephan W. Grill Group

MPI-CBG | Director of MPI-CBG, Professor for Physics of Life

Physics of Life

›› visit the website of Stephan W. Grill Group


Research Avenue 1RA2RA3RA6

Alf O. Honigmann Group

TUD BIOTEC | Professor for Biophysics

Membrane Organization of Cells and Tissues

›› visit the website of Alf O. Honigmann Group

Research Avenue 4RA2RA3

Nils Kröger Group

TUD B CUBE | Professor for Biomimetic Materials

From Molecular Mechanisms of Biomineralization and Bioadhesion to Applications in Nanobiotechnology

›› visit the website of Nils Kröger Group

© TUD CMCB, Magdalena Gonciarz

Research Avenue 4RA3

Christina Kurzthaler Group

MPI-PKS, CSBD | Research Group Leader

Transport and Flows in Complex Environments

›› visit the website of Christina Kurzthaler Group


Research Avenue 1RA3RA4RA5RA6

Marko Popović Group

MPI-PKS, CSBD | Research Group Leader

Order and disorder in driven systems

›› visit the website of Marko Popović Group


Research Avenue 3RA2RA5RA6

Michael Schlierf Group

TUD B CUBE | Professor for Molecular Biophysics

Conformational changes in biomolecules and enzymes

›› visit the website of Michael Schlierf Group

© TUD CMCB, Magdalena Gonciarz

Research Avenue 2RA3

Michele Solimena Group

TUD PLID, HMGU | Professor for Molecular Diabetology

Cell Biology of Pancreatic Beta Cells

›› visit the website of Michele Solimena Group

Research Avenue 3RA2

Jens-Uwe Sommer Group

IPF | Professor for Theory of Polymers at Interfaces

Theoretical Polymer Physics

›› visit the website of Jens-Uwe Sommer Group

© IPF, Jürgen Lösel

Research Avenue 6RA1RA3

Francis Stewart Group

TUD BIOTEC | Professor for Genomics

Epigenetic regulation and genomic engineering

›› visit the website of Francis Stewart Group

Research Avenue 2RA3RA4RA6

Dora Tang Group

MPI-CBG | Research Group Leader

Dynamic protocellular systems

›› visit the website of Dora Tang Group


Research Avenue 2RA3

Ágnes Tóth-Petróczy Group

MPI-CBG | Research Group Leader

Protein plasticity and evolution

›› visit the website of Ágnes Tóth-Petróczy Group


Research Avenue 5RA1RA2RA3RA4

Axel Voigt Group

TUD | Professor for Scientific Computing and Applied Mathematics

Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Cells and Systems

›› visit the website of Axel Voigt Group


Research Avenue 2RA3

Alexander von Appen Group

MPI-CBG | Research Group Leader

Structural Self-Organization of Membranous Organelles

›› visit the website of Alexander von Appen Group


Research Avenue 6RA1RA3

Marino Zerial Group

MPI-CBG | Director of MPI-CBG, Professor for Cell Biology

Principles of cell and tissue organization: from endocytosis to a systems understanding of liver structure and function

›› visit the website of Marino Zerial Group


Research Avenue 2RA1RA3RA6

Yixin Zhang Group

TUD B CUBE | Professor for Biomolecular Interaction

Drug design and screening: from biochemical methods to 3D model system

›› visit the website of Yixin Zhang Group