Publications & Popular Articles
Selected Publications
I. Babenko, N. Kröger, B.M. Friedrich: Mechanism of branching morphogenesis inspired by diatom silica formation, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 121(10): e2309518121, 2024
F. Kolley, C. Sidor, B. Dehapiot, F. Schnorrer, B.M. Friedrich: Mechanisms of sarcomere assembly in muscle cells inferred from sequential ordering of myofibril components, PRX Life 2: 013002, 2024
J. Rode, M. Novak, B.M. Friedrich: Information theory of chemotactic agents using both spatial and temporal gradient-sensing, PRX Life 2: 023012, 2024
H. Morales-Navarrete, H. Nonaka, A. Scholich, F. Segovia-Miranda, W. de Back, K. Meyer, R.L. Bogorad, V. Koteliansky, L. Brusch, Y. Kalaidzidis*, F. Jülicher*, B.M. Friedrich*, M. Zerial*: Liquid-crystal organization of liver tissue, eLife 8, e44860, 2019 (*shared corresponding author)
J.F. Jikeli*, L. Alvarez*, B.M. Friedrich*, L.G. Wilson*, R. Pascal, R. Colin, M. Pichlo, A. Rennhack, C. Brenker, U.B. Kaupp: Sperm navigation along helical paths in 3D chemoattractant landscapes, Nature Communications 6, 7985, 2015 (*equal contribution)
S. Werner, T. Stückemann, M. Beiran Amigo, J.C. Rink, F. Jülicher, B.M. Friedrich: Scaling and regeneration of self-organized patterns, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, p. 138101, 2015
I. Babenko, N. Kröger, B.M. Friedrich: Mechanism of branching morphogenesis inspired by diatom silica formation, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 121(10): e2309518121, 2024
F. Kolley, C. Sidor, B. Dehapiot, F. Schnorrer, B.M. Friedrich: Mechanisms of sarcomere assembly in muscle cells inferred from sequential ordering of myofibril components, PRX Life 2: 013002, 2024
J. Rode, M. Novak, B.M. Friedrich: Information theory of chemotactic agents using both spatial and temporal gradient-sensing, PRX Life 2: 023012, 2024
R.O. Ramakrishnan, B.M. Friedrich: Learning run-and-tumble chemotaxis with support vector machines, EPL 142: 47001, 2023
C. Ringers, S. Bialonski, M. Ege, A. Solovev, J.N. Hansen, I. Jeong, B.M Friedrich, N. Jurisch-Yaksi: Novel analytical tools reveal that local synchronization of cilia coincides with tissue-scale metachronal waves in zebrafish multiciliated epithelia, eLife 12:e77701, 2023
J. Gopalakrishnan, K. Feistel, B.M Friedrich, A. Grapin‐Botton, N. Jurisch‐Yaksi, E. Mass, D.U. Mick, R.-U. Müller, ..., D. Wachten: Emerging principles of primary cilia dynamics in controlling tissue organization and function, EMBO J. 42(21): e113891, 2023
C. Heintze, I. Babenko, J.Z. Suchanova, A Skeffington, B.M Friedrich, N. Kröger: The molecular basis for pore pattern morphogenesis in diatom silica, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 119(49):e2211549119, 2022
R.O. Ramakrishnan, A. Auconi and B.M. Friedrich: Learning stochastic filtering, EPL 140: 31002, 2022
A. Auconi, M. Novak and B.M. Friedrich: Gradient sensing in Bayesian chemotaxis, EPL 138: 12001, 2022
A. Solovev, B.M. Friedrich: Synchronization in cilia carpets: multiple metachronal waves are stable, but one wave dominates, New J. Phys. 24: 013015, 2022
A. Solovev, B.M. Friedrich: Synchronization in cilia carpets and the Kuramoto model with local coupling: breakup of global synchronization in the presence of noise, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 32 013124, 2022 (arXiv:2109.08639)
A. Solovev, B.M. Friedrich: Lagrangian Mechanics of Active Systems, Eur. Phys. J. E 44:49, 2021
S. Lange, B.M. Friedrich: Sperm chemotaxis in marine species is optimal at physiological flow rates according theory of filament surfing, New J. Phys., 23:043026, 2021
M. Novak, B.M. Friedrich: Bayesian gradient sensing in the presence of rotational diffusion, New J. Phys. 23:043026, 2021
S. Lange, B.M. Friedrich: Network permeability changes according to a quadratic power law upon removal of a single edge, Europhysics Letters 134 64002, 2021
Friedrich Striggow, Lidiia Nadporozhskaia, B.M. Friedrich, O.G. Schmidt, M. Medina-Sánchez: Micromotor-mediated sperm constrictions for improved swimming performance, Eur. Phys. J. E 44:67, 2021
A. Gong, S. Rode, G. Gompper, U.B. Kaupp, J. Elgeti, B.M. Friedrich, L. Alvarez: Reconstruction of the 3D beat pattern underlying swimming behaviors of sperm, Eur. Phys. J. E 44:87, 2021
J.A. Kromer, A. Auconi, B.M. Friedrich: Composite search of active particles in three-dimensional space based on non-directional cues, ChemNanoMat 7:1057, 2021
A. Auconi, B.M. Friedrich, A. Giansanti: Fluctuation-response theorem for Kullback-Leibler divergences to quantify causation, EPL, 135:28002, 2021
I. Babenko, B.M. Friedrich, N. Kröger: Structure and Morphogenesis of the Frustule (book chapter), in press at Springer
A. Scholich, S. Syga, H. Morales-Navarrete, F. Segovia-Miranda, H. Nonaka, K. Meyer, W. de Back, L. Brusch, Y. Kalaidzidis, M. Zerial, F. Jülicher, B.M. Friedrich: Quantification of nematic cell polarity in three-dimensional tissues, PLoS Comp. Biol. 16(12): e1008412, 2020
J. Karschau, A. Scholich, J. Wise, H. Morales-Navarette, Y. Kalaidzidis, M. Zerial, B.M. Friedrich: Resilience of three-dimensional sinusoidal networks in liver tissue, PLoS Comp. Biol. 16(6), e1007965, 2020
F. Striggow, M. Medina-Sánchez, V. Magdanz, G.K. Auernhammer, B.M. Friedrich, O.G. Schmidt: Sperm-driven micromotors moving in oviduct fluid and viscoelastic media, Small 16, 2000213, 2020
J.A. Kromer, N. de la Cruz, B.M. Friedrich: Chemokinetic scattering, trapping, and avoidance of active Brownian particles, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 118101, 2020
H. Morales-Navarrete, H. Nonaka, A. Scholich, F. Segovia-Miranda, W. de Back, K. Meyer, R.L. Bogorad, V. Koteliansky, L. Brusch, Y. Kalaidzidis*, F. Jülicher*, B.M. Friedrich*, M. Zerial*: Liquid-crystal organization of liver tissue, eLife 8, e44860, 2019 (*shared corresponding author)
A. Gong, S. Rode, U.B. Kaupp, G. Gompper, J. Elgeti, B.M. Friedrich, and L. Alvarez: The steering gaits of sperm, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B. 375(1792), 20190149, 2019
A. Thommen*, S. Werner*, O. Frank*, J. Philipp, O. Knittelfelder, Y. Quek, K. Fahmy, A. Shevchenko, B.M. Friedrich, F. Jülicher, Frank, J.C. Rink: Body size-dependent energy storage causes Kleiber’s law scaling of the metabolic rate in planarians, eLife 8, e38187, 2019
N. Biere, M. Ghaffar, A. Doebbe, D. Jäger, N. Rothe, B.M. Friedrich, R. Hofestädt, F. Schreiber, O. Kruse, B. Sommer: Heuristic modeling and 3D stereoscopic visualization of a Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cell, Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics 15(2), 2018
J. Karschau, M. Zimmerling, B.M. Friedrich: Renormalization group theory for percolation in time-varying networks, Scientific Reports 8, 8011, 2018
B.M. Friedrich: Load response of shape-changing microswimmers scales with their energy efficiency, Phys. Rev. E 97, 042416, 2018
D.A. Hidalgo, S. Werner, O. Wartlick, M. González-Gaitán, B.M. Friedrich, F. Jülicher: Dynamic gradient scaling as a critical point of growth control, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 198102, 2018
J. A. Kromer, S. Märcker, S. Lange, C. Baier, B.M. Friedrich: Decision making for sperm chemotaxis in the presence of noise, PLoS Comp. Biol. 14(4): e1006109, 2018
H. Hamzeh, A. Gong, M. Balbach, D. Fridman, H.G. Körschen, R. Pascal, F. Lavryk, A. Rennhack, R. Seifert, A. Hernandez-Clavijo, S. Pifferi, V. Dusend, B.K. Fleischmann, P. Sasse, A. Menini, B.M. Friedrich*, L. Alvarez*, U.B. Kaupp*: Deciphering rapid cell signaling and remote control of cell motility by reverse opto-chemical engineering, sub judice
M. Striegler, B.M. Friedrich*, Stefan Diez*, V.F. Geyer*: Twist-torsion coupling in beating axonemes, sub judice (bioRxiv 10.1101/2024.03.18.585533v2)
A. Sharma, B.M. Friedrich*, Veikko F. Geyer*: Active fluctuations of axoneme oscillations scale with number of dynein motors. submitted
Francine Kolley: Physical principles of pattern formation during myofibrillogenesis, 2023
Iaroslav Babenko: Analysis and mathematical modeling of silica morphogenesis in diatoms, 2023
Anton Solovev: Hydrodynamic synchronization in cilia carpets and its robustness to noise and perturbations, 2021
Andre Scholich: Biaxial Nematic Order in Liver Tissue, 2018
Gary S. Klindt: Hydrodynamics of Flagellar Swimming and Synchronization, 2017
Benjamin M. Friedrich: Nonlinear dynamics and fluctuations in biological systems, 2017 (Habilitation thesis)
Steffen Werner: Growth and Scaling during Development and Regeneration, 2015
Benjamin M. Friedrich: Chemotaxis of Sperm Cells, 2009
Popular articles in German
Schlagkräftiger Mikroantrieb – popular article on dynamics of cilia and flagella in Physik-Journal 12/2017 © Wiley-VCH Verlag
Grünalgen wackeln sich in den Takt – popular article on flagellar synchronization
Eine schwimmende Sinneszelle – popular article on flagellar swimming and steering