Scientific Career
as of April 2021
Heisenberg chair (tenure track) at the Cluster of Excellence Physics of Life, TU Dresden
Dresden Excellence Award for best habilitation thesis by City of Dresden
since 2016
Independent research group leader at the Cluster of Excellence Center of Advancing Electronics Dresden in the Biological Systems Path, TU Dresden
Distinguished PKS fellow and research associate at Max-Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden
Post-doctoral researcher, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
PhD in Biological Physics, Max-Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden
Diploma and Masters in Mathematics at Universität Leipzig and University of Cambridge, UK
PhD Students

Francesco Leone (starting 10/24)

Yasmin Abdelghaffar (starting 11/24)
Student Research Assistants (SHK/WHK)
Former Group Members
- Julian Rode (Postdoc 2022–2023)
- Ian Estabrook (Postdoc 2019–2022; now senior postdoc EMBL)
- Rahul Ouseph Parambil Ramakrishnan (Postdoc 2020–2022; now research scientist at the European Centre for Living Technology in Venice)
- Andrea Auconi (Postdoc 2020–2021; now research scientist at the European Centre for Living Technology in Venice)
- Steffen Lange (Postdoc 2017–2019, now research group leader HTW/TUD)
- Stephan Bialonski (Postdoc 2018, now Professor at University of Applied Sciences Aachen)
- Maja Novak (Postdoc 2017–2020, now Assistant Professor at University of Zagreb, Croatia)
- Jens Karschau (Postdoc 2016–2018, now Federal Office for Information Security)
- Justus A. Kromer (Postdoc 2016–2017, now Stanford University)
PhD students
- Iaroslav Babenko (finished 2023, now postdoc Physics of Life, Dresden)
- Francine Kolley (finished 2023, now postoc)
- Anton Solovev (finished 2022; now at Micropsi Industries, Berlin)
- Andre Scholich (now EEX)
- Gary S. Klindt (now software engineer at PTV group: travel and logistics software, Karlsruhe)
- Steffen Werner (now Assistand Professor at Univesity of Wageningen)
Final year students
- Josua Seidel (Master 2023)
- Felix Frederking (Bachelor 2022)
- Leon Sbosny (Master 2022)
- Leon Kuklinski (Bachelor 2021)
- Maja Grützmann (Bachelor 2020)
- Marius Asal (Masters 2017)
- Simon Syga (Masters 2014)
- Philipp Lätzel (Diplom 2007)
Summer students
- Natalie McKenzie (Summer student 2024, DAAD Rise, Florida State University, USA)
- Astitva Aggarwal (Summer student 2024, India)
- Ashley Lasko (Summer student 2022, DAAD Rise, RIT, USA)
- Viraj Manwadkar (virtual Summer student 2021, USA)
- Lidiia Nadporozhskaia (Summer student 2019, St. Petersburg University, Russia)
- Andrea Kam (Summer student 2018, Durham University, UK)
- Jonathon Wise (Summer student 2017, DAAD RISE, University of Birmingham, UK)
- Noelia de la Cruz (Summer student 2017, DAAD RISE, McGill University, Quebec)
- Yihui Quek (Summer student 2014, DAAD RISE, now PhD in Applied Physics in Stanford University)
- Manuel Beiran (Summer student 2013, DAAD RISE)
- Katja Polotzek (Summer student 2012, now PhD student with Prof. Ketzmerick at MPI PKS)
- Jing Yang (Summer student 2007, now professor Lanzhou University)