PoL – Physics of Life | Publications


Dynamic regulation of tissue fluidity controls skin repair during wound healing. Rahul M Sarate, Joel Hochstetter, Manon Valet, Adrien Hallou, Yura Song, Nordin Bansaccal, Melanie Ligare, Mariaceleste Aragona, Dan Engelman, Anaïs Bauduin, Otger Campàs*, Benjamin D Simons, Cedric Blanpain*. Cell (2024). [doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.07.031]

A nuclear jamming transition in vertebrate organogenesis. Sangwoo Kim, Rana Amini, Shuo-Ting Yen, Petr Pospíšil, Arthur Boutillon, Ilker Ali Deniz, Otger Campàs*. bioRxiv (2024) [doi: 10.1101/2022.07.31.502244]:

A Heating and Cooling Stage With Fast Temporal Control for Biological Applications. Manon Valet*, Juan M Iglesias-Artola*, Falk Elsner, Anatol W Fritsch, Otger Campás. IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology (2024). [doi: 10.1109/OJEMB.2024.3426912]

Conserved physical mechanisms of cell and tissue elongation. Arthur Boutillon, Samhita P. Banavar, Otger Campàs*. Development (2024) [doi: 10.1242/dev.202687]

Proliferation-driven mechanical compression induces signalling centre formation during mammalian organ development. Neha Pincha Shroff, Pengfei Xu, Sangwoo Kim, Elijah R Shelton, Ben J Gross, Yucen Liu, Carlos O Gomez, Qianlin Ye, Tingsheng Yu Drennon, Jimmy K Hu, Jeremy BA Green, Otger Campàs*, Ophir D Klein*. Nature Cell Biology (2024) [doi: 10.1038/s41556-024-01380-4]

Non-Ionic Fluorosurfactants for Droplet-Based in vivo Applications. Heidi van de Wouw, Shuo-Ting Yen, Manon Valet, Joseph Garcia, Antoine Vian, Yucen Liu, Jennifer Pollock, Otger Campàs*, Ellen Sletten*. ChemRxiv (2024) [doi: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-fbpss]

Adherens junctions as molecular regulators of emergent tissue mechanics. Otger Campàs*, Ivar Noordstra, Alpha S. Yap*. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology (2023) [doi: 10.1038/s41580-023-00688-7]

In situ quantification of osmotic pressure within living embryonic tissues. Antoine Vian, Marie Pochitaloff,  Shuo-Ting Yen, Sangwoo Kim, Jennifer Pollock, Yucen Liu, Ellen M. Sletten, Otger Campàs*. Nature Communications 14, 7023 (2023)
[doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-42024-9]

Synthesis of Fluorous Ferrofluids and Effects of the Nanoparticle Coatings on Field-and Temperature-Dependent Magnetizations. Fang-Chu Lin, Heidi L. van de Wouw, Otger Campàs, Ellen M. Sletten, Jeffrey I. Zink*. Chemistry of Materials. 35, 7957-7966 (2023) [doi: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.3c01172]

Mechanics of the cellular microenvironment as probed by cells in vivo during zebrafish presomitic mesoderm differentiation. Alessandro Mongera, Marie Pochitaloff, Hannah J. Gustafson, Georgina A. Stooke-Vaughan, Payam Rowghanian, Sangwoo Kim, Otger Campàs*. Nat. Mater. 22, 135–143 (2023) [doi: 10.1038/s41563-022-01433-9]

Mechanical feedback defines organizing centers to drive digit emergence. Carolina Parada, Samhita P. Banavar, Parisa Khalilian, Stephane Rigaud, Arthur Michaut, Yucen Liu, Dennis Manjaly Joshy, Otger Campàs*, Jerome Gros*. Dev Cell 57(7) 854–866.e6 (2022) [doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2022.03.004]

Macromolecular crowding as an intracellular stimulus for responsive nanomaterials. Daniel A Estabrook, John O Chapman, Shuo-Ting Yen, Helen H Lin, Ethan T Ng, Linglan Zhu, Heidi L van de Wouw, Otger Campàs, Ellen M Sletten*. Journal of the American Chemical Society 144 (37) 16792–16798 (2022) [doi: 10.1021/jacs.2c03064]

In situ quantification of osmotic pressure within living embryonic tissues. Antoine Vian, Marie Pochitaloff, Shuo-Ting Yen, Sangwoo Kim, Jennifer Pollock, Yucen Liu, Ellen M Sletten, Otger Campàs*. bioRxiv (2022) [doi: 10.1101/2022.12.04.519060]

A nuclear jamming transition in vertebrate organogenesis. Sangwoo Kim, Rana Amini, Otger Campàs*. bioRxiv (2022) [doi: 10.1101/2022.07.31.502244]

Mechanical control of tissue shape and morphogenetic flows during vertebrate body axis elongation. Samhita P Banavar, Emmet K Carn, Payam Rowghanian, Georgina Stooke-Vaughan, Sangwoo Kim, Otger Campàs. Sci Rep 11(1), 1–14 (2021) [doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-87672-3]

Embryonic tissues as active foams. Sangwoo Kim, Marie Pochitaloff, Georgina A Stooke-Vaughan, Otger Campàs*. Nat. Phys. 1-8 (2021) [doi: 10.1038/s41567-021-01215-1]

Non-equilibrium Rigidity Transitions in Embryonic Tissues. Sangwoo Kim, Marie Pochitaloff, Georgina Stooke-Vaughan, Otger Campas
Bulletin of the American Physical Society (2021)

Coordinating cell polarization and morphogenesis through mechanical feedback. Samhita P Banavar, Michael Trogdon, Brian Drawert, Tau-Mu Yi, Linda R Petzold, Otger Campàs*. PLoS Comput Biol 17(1): e1007971 (2021) [doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007971]

Physical constraints on early blastomere packings. James Giammona, Otger Campàs*. PLoS Comput Biol 17(1), e1007994 (2021) [doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007994]

Stress-driven tissue fluidization physically segments vertebrate somites. Elijah R Shelton*, Sangwoo Kim, Ben J Gross, Ray Wu, Marie Pochitaloff, Irene Lim, Ellen M Sletten, Otger Campàs*. bioRxiv (2021) [doi: 10.1101/2021.03.27.437325]

STRESS, an automated geometrical characterization of deformable particles for in vivo measurements of cell and tissue mechanical stresses. Ben Gross, Elijah Shelton, Carlos Gomez, Otger Campàs*. bioRxiv (2021) [doi: 10.1101/2021.03.26.437148]

Mechanics of the cellular microenvironment as perceived by cells in vivo. Alessandro Mongera, Marie Pochitaloff, Hannah J Gustafson, Georgina A Stooke-Vaughan, Payam Rowghanian, Otger Campàs*. bioRxiv (2021) [doi: 10.1101/2021.01.04.425259]

Fluorous Soluble Cyanine Dyes for Visualizing Perfluorocarbons in Living Systems Irene Lim, Antoine Vian, Heidi L van de Wouw, Rachael A Day, Carlos Gomez, Yucen Liu, Arnold L Rheingold, Otger Campas*, Ellen M Sletten*. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 142(37), 16072–16081 (2020) [doi: 10.1021/jacs.0c07761]

Coordinating cell polarization and morphogenesis through mechanical feedback. S.P. Banavar, M. Trogdon, B. Drawert, T-M. Yi, L.R. Petzold and O. Campàs*. bioRxiv (2020)

Embryonic Tissues as Active Foams. S. Kim, M. Pochitaloff, G. Stooke-Vaughan and O. Campàs*. bioRxiv (2020)

Mechanical control of tissue shape and morphogenetic flows during vertebrate body axis elongation. S.P. Banavar, E.K. Carn, P. Rowghanian, G. Stooke-Vaughan, S. Kim and O. Campàs. bioRxiv (2020)

Physical constraints on early blastomere packings. J. Giammona and O. Campàs. bioRxiv (2020)

A fluid-to-solid jamming transition underlies vertebrate body axis elongation. A. Mongera, P. Rowghanian, H.J. Gustafson, E. Shelton, D.A. Kealhofer, E.K. Carn, F. Serwane, A.A. Lucio, J. Giammona, and O. Campàs*. Nature 561 401-405 (2018)

Mechanical feedback coordinates cell wall expansion and assembly in yeast mating morphogenesis. S.P. Banavar, C. Gomez, M. Trogdon, L.R. Petzold, T-M. Yi, O. Campàs*. PLoS Computational Biology 14 (1) e1005940 (2018)

Physical control of tissue morphogenesis across scales. G. Stooke-Vaughan and Otger Campas*. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 51 111-119 (2018)

The effect of cell geometry on polarization in budding yeast. M. Trogdon, B. Drawert, C. Gomez, S.P. Banavar, T-M. Yi, O. Campas*, L.R. Petzold. PLoS Computational Biology 14 (6) e1006241 (2018)

Connecting individual to collective cell migration. M. George, F. Bullo, O. Campàs*. Scientific Reports 7 9720 (2017)

Fluid front morphologies in gap-modulated Hele-Shaw cells. L. Díaz-Piola, R. Planet, O. Campàs, J. Casademunt and J. Ortín*. Phys. Rev. Fluids 2 094006 (2017)

Geometrical characterization of fluorescently labelled surfaces from noisy 3D microscopy data. E. Shelton, F. Serwane, O. Campàs*. Journal of Microscopy 269 (3) 259-268 (2017)

In vivo quantification of spatially varying mechanical properties in developing tissues. F. Serwane, A. Mongera, P. Rowghanian, D.A. Kealhofer, A.A. Lucio, Z.M. Hockenbery, O. Campàs*. Nature Methods 14 181-6 (2017)

Non-equilibrium membrane homeostasis in expanding cellular domains. P. Rowghanian and O. Campàs*. Biophys. J. 113 132-137 (2017)

Spatiotemporal variation of endogenous cell-generated stresses within 3D multicellular aggregates. A.A. Lucio, A. Mongera, E. Shelton, R. Chen, A.M. Doyle and O. Campàs*. Scientific Reports 7 12022 (2017)

A toolbox to explore the mechanics of living embryonic tissues. O. Campàs*. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology 55 119-130 (2016)

Dynamics of ferrofluid drop deformations under spatially uniform magnetic fields. P. Rowghanian, C.D. Meinart, O. Campàs. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 802 245-262 (2016)

Improved calibration of the nonlinear regime of a single-beam gradient optical trap. J.C. Wilcox, B.J. Lopez, O. Campàs, and M. Valentine*. Optics Letters 41 (10) 2386-2389 (2016)

Generation of biocompatible droplets for in vivo and in vitro measurement of cell-generated mechanical stresses. A.A. Lucio, D.E. Ingber , O. Campàs*. Methods in Cell Biology 125 373-390 (2015)

Quantifying cell-generated mechanical forces within living embryonic tissues. O. Campàs*, T. Mammoto, S. Hasso, R.A. Sperling, D. O'Connell, A.G. Bischof, R. Maas, D.A. Weitz, L. Mahadevan, D.E. Ingber. Nature Methods 11 (2) 183-189 (2014)

The kitchen as a physics classroom. A.C.Rowat, N.N. Sinha, P.M.Sörensen, O. Campàs, P. Castells, D. Rosenberg, M.P. Brenner, D.A. Weitz. Physics Education 49 (5) 512-522 (2014)

Actin network growth under load. O. Campàs, L. Mahadevan and J-.F. Joanny. Biophys. J. 102 1049-58 (2012)

Closely related bird species demonstrate flexibility between beak morphology and underlying developmental programs. R. Mallarino, O. Campàs, J.A. Fritz, K.J. Burns, O.G. Weeks, M.P. Brenner and A. Abzhanov. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 109 (40) 16222-16227 (2012)

Strategies for cell shape control in tip-growing cells. O. Campàs, E. Rojas, J. Dumais and L. Mahadevan. American J. of Botany 99 (9) 1577-1582 (2012)

Mechanism of membrane nanotube formation by molecular motors. C. Leduc, O. Campàs, J.-F. Joanny, J. Prost and P. Bassereau. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Biomembranes 1798 1418-26 (2010)

Scaling and shear transformations capture beak shape variation in Darwin’s finches. O. Campàs, R. Mallarino, A. Herrel, A. Abzhanov and M.P. Brenner. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 107 (8) 3356-3360 (2010)

Collective oscillations of processive molecular motors. O. Campàs, C. Leduc, P. Bassereau, J.-F. Joanny and J. Prost. Biophysical Reviews and Letters 4 (1&2) 163-178 (2009)

Shape and dynamics of tip-growing cells. O. Campàs and L. Mahadevan. Current Biology 19 2102-07 (2009)

Coordination of kinesin motors pulling on fluid membranes. O. Campàs, C. Leduc, P. Bassereau, J. Casademunt, J.-F. Joanny and J. Prost. Biophys. J. 94 5009-5017 (2008)

Dynamic kinesin-1 clustering on microtubules due to mutual attractive interactions. W.T. Roos*, O. Campàs*, F. Montel, G. Woehlke, J.P. Spatz, P. Bassereau and G. Cappello. Physical Biology 5 046004 (2008) *equal contribution

Dynamic stability of spindles controlled by molecular motor kinetics. O. Campàs, J. Casademunt and I. Pagonabarraga. Europhys. Lett. 81 48003 (2008)

VASP governs actin dynamics by modulating filament anchoring. L. Trichet, O. Campàs, C. Sykes and J. Plastino. Biophys. J. 92 1081-1089 (2007)

Chromosome oscillations in mitosis. O. Campàs and P. Sens. Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 128102 (2006)

Collective dynamics of interacting molecular motors. O. Campàs, Y. Kafri, K.B. Zeldovitch, J. Casademunt and J.-F. Joanny. Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 038101 (2006)

Quantifying the polar wind. G. Koster and O. Campàs. Molecular BioSystems 1(5-6) 351 - 353 (2005)

Cooperative extraction of membrane nanotubes by molecular motors. C. Leduc*, O. Campàs*, K.B. Zeldovich, A. Roux, P. Jolimaitre, L. Bourel-Bonnet, B. Goud, J.-F. Joanny, P. Bassereau and J. Prost. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 101 (49) 17096-17101 (2004) *equal contribution

Soft Listeria: actin-based propulsion of liquid drops. H. Boukellal, O. Campàs, J.-F. Joanny, J. Prost and C. Sykes. Phys. Rev. E 69 061906 (2004)

Actin-based motility of droplets. O. Campàs, J.-F. Joanny and J. Prost. Proceedings of the International School of Physics Enrico Fermi: The Physics of Complex Systems (New advances and perspectives) 155 ISBN: 1-58603-445-6 ()