

RA1 Research Groups Dye Group

December 16, 2020

New Research Group Leader: Natalie Dye

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© Akanksha Jain et al. / MPI-CBG

November 5, 2020

Relaxing during the stressful times of gastrulation

Researchers uncover a mechanism that, similar to wound-healing, converts tissue during a spreading event into a fluid-like state.

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Bio-image Analysis Group

November 2, 2020

New Technology Development Group Leader: Robert Haase

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October 12, 2020

How will we live in the future?

Opening of the DRESDEN-concept science exhibition in front of the Dresden Kulturpalast

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© Dr. Elisabeth Fischer-Friedrich

Science RA3 Fischer-Friedrich Group

September 2, 2020

How do tumor cells divide in the crowd?

Scientists led by Dr. Elisabeth Fischer-Friedrich, group leader at the Excellence Cluster Physics of Life (PoL) and the Biotechnology Center TU Dresden (BIOTEC) studied how cancer cells are able to divide in a crowded tumor tissue and connected it to the hallmark of cancer progression and metastasis, the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT).

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© Left schematic: Lokesh Pimpale et al. / right schematic: by danjiro

August 3, 2020

Go with the counter-rotating flow!

Counter-rotating flows drive cell movement during cell division

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May 28, 2020

Twist and torque in the cellular nanocosmos: Diez group detects biophysical forces of molecular motors in 3D

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RA3 Research Groups Fischer-Friedrich Group

December 2, 2019

New PoL Research Group Leader: Elisabeth Fischer-Friedrich

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Optical Microscopy Group

November 3, 2019

New Technology Development Group Leader: Bert Nitzsche

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© Robert Lohse

July 22, 2019

TU Dresden retains its title as University of Excellence

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April 9, 2019

Unraveling growth of organs with computer science and physics

Workshop on "Image-based Modeling and Simulation of Morphogenesis" brings leading expertise to Dresden

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April 3, 2019

Children’s University - How does an organism form?

Stephan Grill talks in front of 500 curious kids

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© Ivana Viktorinova / MPI-CBG

April 2, 2019

A new force awakens

Newly discovered physical force contributes to proper development of the red flour beetle

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February 18, 2019

Adding Biophysics to the Mix

Interview with Stephan Grill, new director at the MPI-CBG

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© PoL

Science Research Avenues Research Groups

September 27, 2018

Biophysicists delve into the organisation of life – New Cluster of Excellence to unravel the “Physics of Life” (PoL)

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