
(PoL Lab + EMBL Barcelona Lab)

lab picture

Tina Marie Hauser

Lab manager (PoL)

Abiram Eliab Olivares Resendiz

Predoctoral Fellow (PoL)

Shuting Xu

Predoctoral Fellow (PoL)

Marina Marchenko

Predoctoral Fellow (PoL)

Mitsuhiro Matsuda

Staff member (PoL)

Theres Seifert

Administrative assistant (PoL)

Masafumi Hayashi

Postdoctoral Fellow (PoL)

Alberto Hernandez Armendariz

PoL Excellent Postdoctoral Fellow (PoL, with Tony Hyman lab)

Christian Massino

Postdoctoral Fellow (PoL, with Xingbo Yang lab)

Casandra Edelweiss Villava Robles

Lab manager (EMBL)

Maria Costanzo

Predoctoral Fellow (EMBL)

Jorge Lazaro Farre

Predoctoral Fellow (EMBL)

Kristina Stapornwongkul

Postdoctoral Fellow (EMBL, with Vikas Trivedi lab)

Kurt Lauren Weir

Postdoctoral Fellow (EMBL EIPOD, with Eileen Furlong lab)

Francois Korbmacher

Postdoctoral Fellow (EMBL, with Maria Bernabeu lab)

Maria Sintra

Intern (EMBL)

Group Leader

Portrait of Miki Ebisuya

Miki Ebisuya

Humboldt Professor and Chair of Cell and Tissue Control


Scientific Career

as of April 2023
Alexander von Humboldt Professor, Chair of Cell and Tissue Control, Cluster of Excellence Physics of Life, TU Dresden, Germany

Group Leader at EMBL Barcelona, Spain (2023-2025 Visiting Group Leader)

Unit Leader, RIKEN, Japan

Group Leader, Career-Path Promotion Unit, Kyoto University, Japan

PhD, Kyoto University, Japan

Honors and Awards

German Stem Cell Network (GSCN) Publication of the Year Award

Alexander von Humboldt Professorship

EMBO member

ERC Consolidator Grant for the project “Quantitative Investigation of Interspecies Differences in Developmental Tempo”

The 1st Jun Ashida Award (The 1st Brilliant Female Researchers Award) from Japan Science and Technology Agency

The Young Scientists’ Prize from Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology