Core Groups

The PoL Research Faculty consists of the core groups listed below, as well as associates and affiliates.

Research Avenue 2

Ellen Adams Group

Physical Chemistry of Biomolecular Condensates

Research Group Leader

›› visit the website of Ellen Adams Group

Research Avenue 1 RA3 RA4 RA5 RA6

Elias Barriga Group

Biophysical Mechanisms of Morphogenesis

Research Group Leader

›› visit the website of Elias Barriga Group

Research Avenue 3 RA2 RA4 RA5 RA6

Jan Brugués Group

Spatiotemporal Organization of Subcellular Structures

Chair of Spatiotemporal Organization of Subcellular Structures

›› visit the website of Jan Brugués Group


Research Avenue 1 RA3 RA4 RA5 RA6

Otger Campàs Group

Physics of Embryonic Self-Organization and Morphogenesis

Chair of Tissue Dynamics

›› visit the website of Otger Campàs Group


Research Avenue 1 RA6

Adele Doyle Group

Mechanobiology of Stem Cells

Research Group Leader

›› visit the website of Adele Doyle Group

© TUD CMCB, Magdalena Gonciarz

Research Avenue 1 RA4 RA5

Natalie Dye Group

Biophysics of Epithelial Growth and Tumorigenesis

Research Group Leader

›› visit the website of Natalie Dye Group

Research Avenue 6 RA1

Miki Ebisuya Group

Cross-Species Comparison and Manipulation of the Organoid Zoo

Humboldt Professor and Chair of Cell and Tissue Control

›› visit the website of Miki Ebisuya Group

© Humboldt Foundation

Research Avenue 3 RA1 RA4 RA6

Elisabeth Fischer-Friedrich Group

Mechanics of Active Biomaterials

Heisenberg Professor for Mechanics of Active Biomaterials

›› visit the website of Elisabeth Fischer-Friedrich Group


Research Avenue 4 RA1 RA2 RA3

Benjamin Friedrich Group

Biological Algorithms: Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Cells and Tissues

Heisenberg Professor for Biological Algorithms

›› visit the website of Benjamin Friedrich Group

© cfaed, Katharina Knaut

Research Avenue 3 RA2

Marcus Jahnel Group

Dynamics of Biomolecules

Research Group Leader

›› visit the website of Marcus Jahnel Group

© Mark Leaver

Research Avenue 1

Rita Mateus Group

Biophysical Principles of Vertebrate Growth

Research Group Leader

›› visit the website of Rita Mateus Group


Research Avenue 4

Helmut Schießel Group

Theoretical Physics of Living Matter

Chair of Theoretical Physics of Living Matter

›› visit the website of Helmut Schießel Group

Research Avenue 5 RA1 RA3 RA4 RA6

Xingbo Yang Group

Bioenergetics of Self-Organization

Research Group Leader

›› visit the website of Xingbo Yang Group