Successful kick-off event for mentoring program for young female scientists and students

Picture of a room full of young female scientists watching a presentation with power point slides.
© CRC1415

On April 27, the kick-off event for the mentoring program for female junior researchers and students took place. The mentoring program, which is funded by the DFG's gender equality coordinated programs, supports its participants in their scientific career development, in establishing and expanding networks, and in communicating their research activities to various target groups.

The event was opened by program coordinator Grit Schuster. The following welcoming address by Nicole Strauss, head of the ServiceCenterStudium, provided an initial insight into the program and clearly highlighted the need to promote women in science and help them advance their careers.

Afterwards, Prof:in Franziska Lissel, junior research group leader at the Leibnitz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden, gave a lecture entitled "Women in Science". In her inspiring remarks, she presented current research results and gave the female students valuable advice and insights into the academic world.

The event was attended by 25 female participants, all of whom have a strong interest in advancing their careers in science to further their education, network, and receive support from experienced mentors in academia.

We are excited to see the progress of the participants and look forward to celebrating their successes in the future.

Grit Schuster
Phone: 0351 – 463 36804

Source: TU Dresden