PoL – Physics of Life | Events Archive

PoL PhD and Postdoc Seminar

Today’s speakers: Franziska Lesche & Aurelia Yakoubi

People in an auditorium, listening to a scientific talk

The PoL PhD and Postdoc seminar is a meeting where PoL early career scientists present their research to their peers.

The seminar consists of two short talks by PhD students or Postdocs, each followed by a discussion in which speaker and attendants can exchange ideas, engage in scientific discussions and network with their fellow young scientists.

Today’s talks:

  • Aurélia Yakoubi (Doyle Group): Shear Stress-dependent Regulation of Immune Signaling
  • Franziska Lesche (Brugués Group): Exploring Chromosome Properties and Interactions in a Cytoplasmic Environment

We are also offering to join via Zoom for those who can’t join on-site. Please be reminded that online attendance only counts for your attendance rate if you have valid reasons. If that applies to you, please contact us and CC your supervisor.