Jean-Yves Tinevez: Bioimage analysis platforms to track cells in large samples
11:00 am
B CUBE| Room E73–E75
Jean-Yves Tinevez (Institut Pasteur, Paris)
Bert Nitzsche
PoL Research Seminar
A new year also brings a new seminar series at PoL. In the slot of our PoL hour we will host speakers from all over the world roughly once a month.
The first one will be Jean-Yves Tinevez on the 31st of January at 11am at BCUBE with his talk “Bioimage analysis platforms to track cells in large samples”.
Bioimage analysis platforms to track cells in large samples
The Image Analysis Hub (IAH) of the Institut Pasteur is a core facility dedicated to service in Bioimage Analysis. Our mission is to support the research projects of our users in Life Sciences with the tools and techniques of bioimage analysis. We work collaboratively with our users, typically performing quantification tasks, or adapting or developing image analysis pipelines or innovative tools, tailored for their Research.
A part of our mission is dedicated to the development of innovative image analysis tools. We are involved in the development of the Fiji and Icy software, contribute to libraries for core image processing in Napari. We are also involved in the development of application specified tools for instance in tracking, in particular in the context of large images.
In this talk I will briefly introduce the IAH core facility and introduce some of the recent developments on two of the software platforms we develop in collaboration with teams in Dresden, for cell and organelle tracking, namely TrackMate and Mastodon. I will show how the development of these tools integrate with the service to our users and how they accelerate their project.