PoL – Physics of Life | Events Archive

PoL Day 2023

For all PoL Members

A dark blue-ish image with a large snow crystal and snow in the front

We are pleased to announce the next POL Day 2023, happening on November 24th @CRTD!

As last year, this will be a one day event, dedicated to celebrate all the great Science being done at POL, by the people doing it, aka YOU :) This day is specially dedicated to all the POL community, especially our early career scientists from the core, affiliated and associated groups, which we hope will be participating in high numbers!

We will have talks, posters and flashtalks for everyone as well as prizes, team building activities, mentoring, and food and drinks, for all including your loved-ones. We look forward to lively discussions between all PoL members and staff: scientists, admin and technicians. Everybody from PoL is welcome!

Program Schedule