Qiagen IPA Bioinformatics Software Training Workshop

The Physics of Life Excellence Cluster community now has recharge-based access to the powerful commercial bioinformatics software Ingenuity Pathways Analysis (IPA), made by Qiagen. This license is a single-occupancy site-wide license for three years, with anticipated subsequent license renewal proportional to use. Qiagen will be in CRTD on Nov 17–18 leading a two day, all day hands on training workshop to familiarize both new and experienced users with the latest analysis capabilities of the software. The workshop is available at no cost. Future onsite trainings are anticipated annually.

RSVPs are accepted first come first served until the room reaches capacity (or until we need to adjust participation to 1–2 people per group, to enable more groups to participate).

RSVP online with a Google form
(currently we can only add you to the waitlist)