DFG visit at PoL
10:00 am — 2:30 pm
ScienceResearch AvenuesResearch GroupsEvents
10:00 PoL at TU Dresden - Rector
10:10 One year PoL - Speaker
10:30 Coffee break, open round of talks
11:00 Supporting structures in PoL - Chief Operating Officer
11:15 Short scientific presentations from PoL
- Volker Busskamp: Optogenetic control of basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors
- Elisabeth Fischer-Friedrich: Mechanosensitive bonds of actin cross-linkers
- Ivo Sbalzarini: Data driven model learning
- Francis Stewart & Jens-Uwe Sommer: Evaluating the persistence length of chromatin
12:00 Buffet lunch, open round of talks
13:00 Round of talks and questions with PoL administration.
Walk to the CSBD, Pfotenhauerstr. 108
13:45 Guided tour through the CSBD building (Pfotenhauerstr. 108)
14:00 Guided tour and demonstration of the 3D Virtual Reality CAVE
14:30 End of the official part