PoL Scientific Retreat
12:00 am
Stephan Grill (PoL)
Research AvenuesPoL Seminar
- Jan Brugués (MPI-CBG): Reconstitution of cohesin and condensin-mediated DNA loop extrusion in Xenopus egg extract (RA 3)
- Michael Brand (CRTD/TUD): Dynamics of Fgf morphogen signaling (RA 1)
- Axel Voigt (Fak. Mathematik/TUD): Oscillations in epithelia cell sheets (RA 5)
- Carl Modes (MPI-CBG): Shaping of the optic cup in vivo: interplay of cellular dynamics and the extracellular matrix (RA 4)
- Raimund Dachselt (Fak. Informatik/TUD): Immersive exploration of multiscale biological data (RA 5)
- Nils Kröger (BCUBE/TUD): Spatio-temporal self-assembly of functional biosilica patterns in diatoms (RA 3)