PoL – Physics of Life | Associates/Affiliates

Associates and Affiliates

In addition to the PoL Groups, Dresden PIs from various partner institutes are affiliated to or associated with the PoL.

Frank Buchholz

UCC, TUD Medical Faculty | Professor for Medical Systems Biology

Functional genomics in mammalian cells: applications to cancer biology and stem cell biology

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Ünal Coskun

TUD PLID, TUD Medical Faculty, HMGU | Professor for Membrane Biochemistry and Lipid Research

Membrane Biochemistry of Cell Signaling

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Jürgen Czarske

TUD | Professor for Measurement and Sensor Systems

Biomedical Computational Laser Systems (BIOLAS): Adaptive Smart Microscopy

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© Center BIOLAS, TUD

Karim Fahmy

HZDR | Head of the Biophysics Division

Structural basis of biological switches and biomolecular recognition

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Claudia Gerri

MPI-CBG, CSBD | Research Group Leader

The fetal-maternal interface across species

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Stefan Gumhold

TUD | Professor for Computer Graphics and Visualization

Computer Graphics and Visualization

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Wolfgang Lehner

TUD | Professor for Database Systems

Dresden Database Systems Group

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© TUD, Michael Kretzschmar

Carl Modes

MPI-CBG | Research Group Leader

Network Complexity and Systems Biophysics

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Arash Nikoubashman

IPF, TUD Faculty of Physics | Heisenberg Professor for Theory of Biologically Inspired Polymers

Theory of Bio-inspired polymers

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Anna Poetsch

TUD BIOTEC, NCT, CSBD | Research Group Leader

Biomedical Genomics

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Yael Politi

TUD B CUBE, TUD Faculty of Biology | Professor for Bioprospecting

Chitin-based biological materials and biomineralization

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© TUD CMCB, Magdalena Gonciarz

Marko Popović

MPI-PKS, CSBD | Research Group Leader

Order and disorder in driven systems

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Jonathan Rodenfels

MPI-CBG | Research Group Leader

Energetics of Biological Systems

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Michele Solimena

TUD PLID, HMGU | Professor for Molecular Diabetology

Cell Biology of Pancreatic Beta Cells

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Pavel Tomancak

MPI-CBG | Research Group Leader

Patterns of gene expression in animal development

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Jesse Veenvliet

MPI-CBG | Research Group Leader


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Axel Voigt

TUD | Professor for Scientific Computing and Applied Mathematics

Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Cells and Systems

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Alexander von Appen

MPI-CBG | Research Group Leader

Structural Self-Organization of Membranous Organelles

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Maximina Yun

TUD CRTD, MPI-CBG | Research Group Leader

Regeneration of Complex Structures

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Christoph Zechner

MPI-CBG | Research Group Leader

Adaptive Biosystems

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Yixin Zhang

TUD B CUBE | Professor for Biomolecular Interaction

Drug design and screening: from biochemical methods to 3D model system

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